Our staff Creating a positive and stimulating learning
Our staff members all have a passion for God and for working with children. Together we can offer high-quality education according to our unique educational concept. Our school board members, teachers and support staff are committed to creating a positive and stimulating learning environment on a daily basis.
If you have registered (or wish to register), your child at our school, our principal (Jennifer Bakker) or deputy principal (Gerine van 't Hof) will schedule an introductory meeting with you and give you a tour of the school. For practical questions about your application, etc., please contact Sara van Eck. She takes care of administration and registrations.
The School Board Working together for growth and development
Jennifer Bakker has been principal of EBS Online since 2012. Jennifer is married and has 4 children. She has a great desire to allow the new generation to grow in an environment where living with God and the word of God are central. “The most beautiful thing is when students and teachers start to share that same passion and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ in this world. Music is an important connector in this, so we can share our gratitude and worship to God.”
Gerine van 't Hof has been deputy principal since 2016. Gerine is married and has 3 children. It is important to her that EBS Online is a safe place where every child enjoys going, feels seen, and experiences growth and development.
Teachers and support staff The team of EBS
In addition to teachers and trainees, we have several supporting staff members: Jan Derks and Linda uit het Broek (deacons), Joëlle van Drunen and Petra Hanique (internal supervisors (IB'ers)), Doret Felten (language coordinator), Riënne van der Bolt (math coordinator), Colinda van Belen (anti-bullying coordinator) and Sara van Eck (administration).
Contact with parents/guardians Communication with school
The parents/guardians of our students have access to the Ouderportaal App (Parent Portal App) when their child is registered. In the app, parents/guardians can send messages to a teacher, sign-up for school activities, report absences and read the newsletters. The teachers regularly write a short report of the school week and post photos so that you as a parent/guardian can see what is happening in your child's class. Of course, we take privacy legislation into account, and only post photos if you have given permission.
Next to communication via the Ouderportaal App, parents/guardians are invited by the teacher at least twice a year for a parent(/child) meeting. If you want to discuss something with the teacher you can always call (on school days, preferably after 3 p.m.) schedule an extra meeting, or ask your question via the OuderPortaal App.
We also offer parents/guardians the opportunity to get to know each other better: every Monday and Friday morning there is coffee and tea in the lobby. In addition, they can join the prayer group every morning from 08:30 – 09:00 to pray for the school.
Extracurricular school care At Bambino Child Center
As an Evangelical Child Center we can offer many out of school facilities in addition to primary education. Bambino Christelijke Kindercentra offers before (VSO) and after-school care (BSO), pre-school education (2.5 - 4 years) and daycare (0 - 4 years). They are currently housed in a temporary facility on our school yard, but at the end of 2022 they will move to the new wing of our school building (under construction).
CollaborationWith other schools
To ensure a smooth transition to another school, we have links with various schools in special primary education (SO/SBO), secondary education (VO) and with other (Evangelical) primary schools. In this way we can optimally support students transferring to secondary education, students who are moving, or those who need more or different learning support.
Support from civil society organizationsSocial and personal development of children
In addition to providing education, we play an important role in the social and personal development of children. Therefore, we are in close contact with, e.g. Jeugdzorg (Youth Care), Centrum voor Jeugd en Gezin (Centre for Youth and Family), organizations for Sport, Culture & Recreation, the Municipality of Eindhoven, neighborhood associations and the Police. In this way we can support children and their parents in the field of care, health, and well-being.
The Parent/Staff Council (Medezeggenschapsraad/MR)
The Participation Council (MR) is a legally established council. Parents and teachers can contribute ideas about school policy, safety around the school, the school budget, holiday planning, etc.
The participation council consists of 3 parents/guardians and 3 staff members of the school. They have the right to approve and advise on subjects related to school policy. The meetings are public and accessible to any parent/guardian. The school board is sometimes present on these evenings in an advisory capacity.
The Participation Council can be reached via