For parentsPractical information
We like to keep in touch with the parents/guardians of our students. We want to keep them well informed about what is going on at school, but also about practical matters. Through the OuderPortaal app we share up-to-date information, such as upcoming activities, news, and recent photos. Practical information, like school hours and holidays, can be found below.
School Hours Daily schedule, drop-off and pick-up moments
All students at our school have a 5-day school week, of which Wednesday is a half day. At noon, all children eat at school.
Parents/guardians of the children in groups 1 and 2 are welcome in the classroom every day and can stay (until 8.40 am) for a short chat with the teacher or to view a son/daughter’s work. On Mondays and Fridays, there is also coffee and tea available for parents/guardians in the reception hall of the school.
School Hours | Group 1 to 8 |
Monday | 08:30 - 14:30 hour |
Tuesday | 08:30 - 14:30 hour |
Wednesday | 08:30 - 12:30 hour |
Thursday | 08:30 - 14:30 hour |
Friday | 08:30 - 14:30 hour |
Holiday schedule Days off this school year
There are several holidays and days off in the agenda for a school year. Study days (studiedagen) are also scheduled. Study days are intended for the professionalization of staff. Students are free on these days.
An overview of the holidays and days off can be found in our holiday schedule (pdf).
School (policy) information Practical information about school policy
Board/annual report
In the Board/annual report (pdf - NL) you will find information about the organization of the Board, the justification for policy, our goals, activities organized, results achieved, and an analysis of the financial situation.
In the Inspection Report (pdf - NL) you will find the assessment of EBS Online following the four-yearly inspection of the School Inspectorate.
School Guide
In the School Guide (pdf - NL) we show you how we structure our education and what we stand for as a school.
Anti-Bullying Protocol
In the Anti-Bullying Protocol (pdf - NL) we describe how we interact with each other and what we do to prevent undesirable behavior. We want all children to feel safe at our school, so that they can develop optimally. By making rules and agreements visible, children and adults can address each other about these rules and make agreements if undesirable situations arise. By supporting each other and showing mutual respect, all children can enjoy going to school.
Integrity code
In the Integrity code (pdf - NL) you will find rules that relate to the behavior of those involved, manners and the culture of the organization.
SchoolSupport Profile (SOP)
The SchoolSupport Profile (SOP) (pdf - NL) describes how our education is organized and structured.
Complaints procedure
Every school has a complaints committee, and anyone involved with the school has the opportunity to file a complaint about something they disagree with. Do you want to make a complaint about something? You can find out how you can submit your complaint and how the procedure works in the complaints procedure protocol (pdf - NL) . For questions about this, you can also contact the confidential counselor of the school, their contact details can be found in our information brochure.